Fun in my kitchen...


Homemade Guacamole

Homemade Guacamole

There is NO WAY I can have avocados in my fridge and not end up making guacamole. My hubby loves it, my friends love it, and my tummy lovesss it. You know what’s so good about this guac is that the flavors are very present. […]

Granola Parfait

Granola Parfait

I was walking through “Ikea” once, and I laid my eyes on the most perfect granola cups. I picked up ten and decided to host a breakfast that weekend. Finding the right recipe. I wanted to make my own granola at home, and I wanted […]

Fig Energy Bites

Fig Energy Bites

Here’s the thing, I love figs and I love oats. Figs make me feel nostalgic, when I was younger, my family used to spend our summers in a village in Northern Lebanon. The village was famous for a lot of naturally grown produce, in particular green olives, […]

Balsamic Berry Blast

Balsamic Berry Blast

So, most of us always go for a fruit salad for desert when we’re hosting dinners or lunches right? Its healthy, yummy, and it most always is the popular desert. But lets face it, don’t you sometimes wish there was some sort of twist or […]

White Bean Stew

White Bean Stew

There are some meals and dishes that are very personal and nostalgic. Hearing about someone cooking them, smelling them, or tasting them takes you back in time. And sometimes its the other way around, remembering a certain memory takes you back to that food you were […]

Kale Power Juice

Kale Power Juice

Okay so we all remember when this Kale Kraze started! Kale Kraziness really… I never really got the fuss over kale, to me it was the hardest – dark leafy – bitter – green – vegetable – power plant – EVER and I really didn’t […]

Blueberry Croissant Bake

Blueberry Croissant Bake

I attempted this desert first at a brunch I had made for ladies. I feel like you always need something hot and sweet at brunches. Blueberries melted in violet puddles of cream and the fragrant cinnamon and croissant… yum! And when you cut that first slice, the […]

Tomato Mozzarella

Tomato Mozzarella

Last summer, my family and I travelled to Italy. Something about this fascinating country draws you to it’s cuisine. I have never come across a person that doesn’t like Italian food, have you? It goes without saying, everything from the vegetables on their pizzas, to […]

Scarlet Chocolate Ganache Cake

Scarlet Chocolate Ganache Cake

I don’t think its much of a secret anymore that I love the color “scarlet” red. This deep shade of brilliance sings straight to my heart. When I’m shopping for fruit and vegetables, the first items that catch my eye are always the deep red hues. Im […]

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan

An Italian dish my husband and I will ALWAYS order at our favorite Italian restaurants. We have only recently gotten into eggplants, and you will see the various recipes we’ve tried and have become so loyal too. The fluffiness of the eggplants sunk into melted […]