Fun in my kitchen...

Tag: chocolate

Perfect Chocolate Frosting

Perfect Chocolate Frosting

I’m not sure what it is about kids and cupcakes. The idea of making them is so fascinating to them but when they’re right there in front of them they don’t eat them! I guess the mixing of the ingredients, the licking of the bowl, and […]

Scarlet Chocolate Ganache Cake

Scarlet Chocolate Ganache Cake

I don’t think its much of a secret anymore that I love the color “scarlet” red. This deep shade of brilliance sings straight to my heart. When I’m shopping for fruit and vegetables, the first items that catch my eye are always the deep red hues. Im […]

Fluffy Signature Waffles

Fluffy Signature Waffles

My son was the inspiration behind these gorgeously looking waffles! He is quite the picky eater but when he likes something, he will love it. Usually he’ll catch on a dish from friends or at school, he’ll tell me about it and then we’ll make it together. That has been his “thing” lately. He will only try foods based on a memory of someone eating it or talking about it. So they made waffles at school one day, and when he got back he was so excited to tell me about them. He kept insisting that he wanted them for breakfast. I was so shocked. I mean going from corn flakes to waffles overnight is a big deal for us. So we were shopping at a home supplies store, and I saw the cutest little waffle skillet. I called him over and his eyes grew! “Its for meeeee??!” Sure thing the waffle skillet is his and we must take his permission to make our breakfast.

This is the classic waffle recipe. I will be trying new versions of it. It’s a nice way to slip in some more nutrients to my son without him noticing :p.

Fluffy Signature Waffles

: Up to 8 pieces
: 5 min
: 15 min
: 20 min
: Easy


  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup vegetabe oil
  • 1/4 tp salt
  • 1/2 tp vanilla
  • 1 TB baking powder
  • 1 TB being soda
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • Cooking spray for cooking
  • Nutella, honey, berries, or jam for decoration
  • Step 1 Preheat waffle skillet on stove.
  • Step 2 In a large bowl
  • Step 3 mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt.
  • Step 4 In a separate bowl, beat the eggs. Stir in milk, oil, vanilla, and sugar.
  • Step 5 Combine the milk and flour mixtures, beat until blended.
  • Step 6 Spray preheated waffle iron with cooking spray. Pour mix onto hot skillet. Cook until gold.
  • Step 7 Decorate with Nutella and fruit.