Fun in my kitchen...

Tag: honey

Honey Glazed Sesame Salmon

Honey Glazed Sesame Salmon

I love salmon. I really do. I like the easiness and versatility of it’s preparation. I never prepare it the same way, it all depends on what I have available in my kitchen. But one time I wanted to add a little something sweet, so I […]

Granola Parfait

Granola Parfait

I was walking through “Ikea” once, and I laid my eyes on the most perfect granola cups. I picked up ten and decided to host a breakfast that weekend. Finding the right recipe. I wanted to make my own granola at home, and I wanted […]

Kale Power Juice

Kale Power Juice

Okay so we all remember when this Kale Kraze started! Kale Kraziness really… I never really got the fuss over kale, to me it was the hardest – dark leafy – bitter – green – vegetable – power plant – EVER and I really didn’t know what to do with it! I was doing my normal grocery shopping once and I saw a bunch of people running over to this section of the vegetables. Me and my nosy self ran over to see what the fuss was, and behold a pile of fresh green kale was being thrown onto this table. And people were piling it up in their trollies by the stacks.. WHAT? What are they going to do with all that? I decided to grab TWO leaves, just to look like the ‘healthy-fit’ person I was TRYING to be.

So the TWO GIANT kale leaves lay in my fridge for a while. Everyday I would open the the fridge door, look at them and shut it again feeling pretty much sorry for them. And then I came across some recipe that said the best thing to do to eliminate that bitterness of kale is to mix it with orange juice and cinnamon… hmmm… those are two ingredients I LOVE. So, here it goes…

Grab a bowl, mix your kale leaves (stems chopped off obviously) with the juice of one orange, mix in one banana, some spinach leaves, grated ginger, honey and cinnamon. Mix really well, pour in a cup and refrigerate for a while (it tastes MUCH better cold)  garnish with chia seeds. Drink and feel the power.. no kidding.. this juice really gives power. The kind of stuff you see in cartoons. Everything in this juice is good stuff; it’s packed with vitamins, loaded with nutrients, and hey the fiber.. you’ve got a lot of fiber in that juice. You do know fiber means —> bathroom. Yes your intestines will feel the relief. So I recommend drinking this two- three times a week. It cleanses your body and loads it with antioxidants. I want to break down the nutritional benefits of each component of this power drink just so you can understand what i’m talking about…

Kale Power Juice

: Two cups
: 20 min
: Super Easy

This juice is best served cold, so prepare it 1-2 hours before drinking and then refrigerate it until you are ready to drink it


  • 2 large kale leaves, cut off stems
  • 1 bunch fresh spinach leaves, chopped
  • 1 banana
  • Juice of 1 orange
  • 1 TB ginger, grated
  • 1 tp cinnamon
  • 1 TB honey
  • 1 tp chia seeds
  • Step 1 Blend all together kale, spinach, banana, orange, ginger, honey and cinnamon
  • Step 2 Put in cups and leave to refrigerate
  • Step 3 Just before drinking sprinkle chia seeds


  • low in calories
  • high in fiber
  • great source of Vitamin C
  • filled with vitamins, magnesium and folate
  • aids in digestion
  • has zero fat
  • reduced risks of many diseases and illnesses


  • full of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals
  • good source of magnesium , iron, calcium, and potassium


  • has powerful antioxidants,
  • filled with vitamins, magnesium, and potassium


  • loaded with vitamin C, potassium, and folate


  • helps with indigestion and nausea
  • boosts immunity and respiratory functions
  • can treat infections better than antibiotics
  • can cure stomach ulcers
  • has been used to reduce inflammations


  • regulates blood sugar
  • reduces ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems
  • regulates blood sugar
  • reduces cough and throat irritation
  • is a natural probiotic
  • improves skin

Chia Seeds:

  • high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids
  • improves digestive health
  • can speed up skin repair system
  • boosts energy and metabolism


  • anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties
  • immune booster

There you have it, 8 natural ingredients, all healthy, all good for you, and juiced all together they taste soo good! This juice is kind of addictive once you get used to it, good addictive that is 🙂